Home Remedies For Treating Blackheads
It is common to have blackheads on the face and nose, which bothers most of the people. If you also want to get rid of it, then we will tell you about the home remedies to remove blackheads.
Blackheads appear on our face, chin, forehead and nose, which are like small pimples. Due to the oxidation of acne, their surface becomes dark i.e. black in color and they become blackheads. Mostly this problem occurs due to hormonal imbalance and not cleaning the skin properly.
What Are Black Heads ?
Blackheads are tiny pimples, called bumps in English, that occur due to non-growth of hair follicles on your skin. These bumps are called blackheads because their surface appears black. Blackheads are mild types of acne that usually occur on the face, but they can also appear on lower parts of the body such as the back, chest, neck, arms and shoulders.
Blackheads are actually pores of our skin, which get clogged with sebum and dirt. The tip of blackheads is black in color, due to which they stand out on the face and look unsightly.
Causes Of Blackheads
Blackheads are more common in some people and less in others. There can be many reasons for this. Age and hormonal changes are important factors. Blackheads are common in the early stages of puberty or when sebum production increases due to changes in hormone levels. However it can happen at any age.
- After puberty, hormonal changes that occur during menstruation, pregnancy and the use of birth control pills can also cause blackheads in women.
- Due to clogging of skin pores due to excessive use of beauty products.
- Due to excessive sweating.
- Rowing or other activities open up the hair follicles.
- Excess moisture and oiliness in the atmosphere.
- Certain health conditions, such as stress, PCOS, premenstrual syndrome.
- Certain drugs that increase the production of skin cells.
- Use of certain steroid based drugs like corticosteroids etc.
- High humidity and oil in the environment.
- sweating.
Symptoms Of Blackheads
- Blackheads are like pimples but they are accompanied by other symptoms that need to be understood.
- Blackheads do not get infected.
- There is no pain and discomfort like pimple in them.
- Blackheads can cause embarrassment and social or psychological difficulties in patients.
Diet For Blackheads
- Being rich in vitamin C, orange helps a lot in making your skin glow. Drinking its juice brings back the lost glow of your skin.
- Pomegranate is rich in antioxidant elements. By eating it, red blood cells are made in the body, due to which the amount of blood in the body increases.It is capable of healing any kind of wound. Eating pomegranate also increases blood in the body, so the skin also appears red or glowing. Blackheads will also be reduced.
- Dry fruits are very beneficial for the skin. Almonds, raisins, cashews, pistachios are rich in vitamins and proteins. It protects our skin from acne and blackheads.
- Vitamin-C is found in lemon, so definitely include lemon in your diet.
- Omega-3 is found in fish, which brightens the skin.
- Fresh vegetables with green leaves like spinach, fenugreek etc. are very helpful to enhance the complexion of the face. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron, which help in purifying your blood and prevent pimples, acne and blackheads.
- Consuming green tea is very beneficial. The antioxidant elements present in it not only protect your health, but its consumption also protects your skin.
Skin Care For Blackheads
- Start with Scrub
First, take a mild scrub and gently massage your nose or wherever there are blackheads. This will make your skin soft and ready for blackheads to come out. Dead skin also gets removed by this process.
- Give Steam
In the next step, steam the face and after taking steam for some time, wipe the face with a clean cloth. With the help of this step, the blackheads are loosened up to a great extent and they do not have to be very hard to remove.
- Use blackhead tool
In the next step, use the blackhead tool on the skin softened by scrub and steam. By now your skin is ready to remove them easily. With the help of this tool, you can remove all the clogged pores and blackheads and whiteheads.
- Apply clay mask
After using the blackhead tool, apply a clay mask or any other mask of your choice. This mask will remove excess oil from your face as well as small particles of dust and pollutants. It also maintains the natural barrier function of the skin.
- Apply moisturizer in the end
Leave the mask on for ten minutes, then after washing with plain water, do not forget to apply moisturizer of your choice. Try that this moisturizer should be dry and not oily. If you are doing these steps during the day, then definitely apply sunscreen. By the way, it is good to follow this routine at night.
Prevention From Blackheads
- To wash the face, use a soap or face wash that is not too harsh on the skin and helps to keep the skin soft.
- Before sleeping at night, remove all the makeup and clean your face and go to sleep. For this, face wash or makeup remover made from salicylic acid can be used.
- Do not wash the face more than twice a day.If you want, you can wash it once even after exercising.
- Do not use rubbing alcohol or toners that dry out the skin.
- Do not use oil based cosmetics. Instead a water based cream or moisturizer can be used.
- Do not try to squeeze out any type of acne. This can lead to skin infections and sores.
- Do not touch your face frequently
Home Remedies To Treat Blackheads
1. Home remedies to remove blackheads with toothpaste
Toothpaste or Colgate is a very simple and effective home remedy to get rid of blackheads. Toothpaste helps to remove blackheads from the pores of your skin. You can use salt with toothpaste to remove dead skin from the face.
For this, mix half a teaspoon of Colgate toothpaste and half a teaspoon of salt in a bowl. Now apply this mixture on the blackheads. Leave it to set for 10 minutes and then scrub lightly with a toothbrush before rinsing with water.
2.Blackheads Removing Strips
If you are in a hurry or have been out somewhere where kitchen ingredients are out of your reach, then you can try the blackheads removing strips available in the market. It will make blackheads disappear in minutes. But their excessive use is not good for the health of your skin. Try, choose as many natural options as you can to get rid of blackheads.
3.Steam is a home remedy to remove blackheads
Steam is taken on the face by heating the water. This steam moisturises your face and helps in opening the pores. Due to the opening of the pores, blackheads and dirt from the face come out easily. Taking steam makes the skin soft. This cleans the dead cells and also kills the bacteria etc. of the skin.
4. Activated charcoal
Activated charcoal is the most effective ingredient to clean the dirt from the skin. Prepare a paste by mixing a few drops of lemon and honey in activated charcoal. Wherever there are blackheads, apply this paste on that part and wash it after drying.
5. Aspirin tablet home remedy to remove blackheads
Aspirin tablet has anti-inflammatory properties which also helps in curing acne. You can use aspirin tablet to remove blackheads.
Take 2-3 aspirin tablets and grind them into a fine paste. Now mix some water in it and apply it on the blackheads. If you have dry skin, you can also add a few drops of almond oil to it. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water.
How To Get Rid Of Blackheads
6. Turmeric is the remedy to remove black heads
Turmeric has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is very effective in eliminating the bacteria that cause pimples on the skin. You can also use turmeric to remove blackheads.
Make a paste by mixing one spoon of turmeric with one spoon of water. Now apply this paste on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. After this, wash the face with water by rubbing it.
7. Honey is the way to remove blackheads
Blackheads can also be removed from the face with honey. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent acne by cleaning the dirt from the face.
To make honey homemade face scrub, take one spoon of honey and mix one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of sugar in it. Now massage the face with this mixture. After 15 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water.
8.Home remedies to remove blackheads baking soda
Baking soda is a good home remedy to remove blackheads from your face. You can use it to make a face scrub with lemon. Baking soda has antiseptic properties that help remove blackheads and dead skin cells.
For this, prepare a thick paste by mixing 2-3 spoons of baking soda and lemon juice together. Now use this paste to scrub the affected area of your face for 2-3 minutes. It should not be used more than thrice a month to remove black heads.
9. Cinnamon home remedy to remove blackheads
Cinnamon powder has the ability to remove blackheads. It also has anti-bacterial properties that better protect against acne-causing bacteria. To remove blackheads, you can use a face scrub made of cinnamon and honey.
For this, prepare a paste by mixing one teaspoon of cinnamon and honey. Use this paste to scrub your face. Scrub for 2-3 minutes in circular motion with light pressure and then wash off with water.
10. Oatmeal is a home remedy to remove blackheads
Oatmeal is used by people for food, but you can also use it in home remedies to remove blackheads. Oatmeal scrub not only helps to unclog pores but also exfoliates the skin to give you a natural shine.
Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, three tablespoons of curd and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Now apply this paste on your nose and affected areas. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with warm water. This will clear your blackheads.
Other Treatments Of Blackheads
It is a type of Vitamin A. Actually, retinoids control the production of sebum in the skin, which is why it can be used as a remedy to remove blackheads . To use it, such face wash, face scrub or mask can be selected in which it is present.
Salicylic Acid
It is a type of phenolic acid, which can help to remove blackheads. It helps to open the clogged pores on the skin. In addition, it can help soften the skin and reduce inflammation .Recommended as a blackhead removal remedy.
Q Are blackheads permanent?
Blackheads are not permanent. These can be removed with the help of the above mentioned home remedies.
Q What happens if blackheads are not removed?
If blackheads are not removed for a long time, the skin can be damaged.
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